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Ready, Steady…Go!  Information sharing event for families with children under 5 in Wandsworth

7th November 2024

 We  recently organised an information sharing event for families with children under 5 to let them know of the numerous services available in Wandsworth. The event was planned with, and part funded by, Wandsworth Council and NHS Health services.  Feedback from parents and carers was fantastic and included the following comments:


‘Overall very helpful, learned a lot, very informative.’


‘Amazing! Useful information all in one place. Really pleased to come and get many informative ideas and support. Should do this every year!’


‘Great to have a chance to ask a speech therapist more questions.’  


Comments from a Head Teacher and other professionals attending the event were also overwhelmingly positive. However, probably the greatest impact for some families was that having met with professionals, their children were immediately referred for assessment.


Click here to view the write up of the event on the Wandsworth Council website.  


We intend to hold the event again next year, so watch this space!




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