The organisations below specifically supports SEND families from racially diverse groups, who may encounter barriers when trying to access help and support.
Autism Speaks have developed a range of resources for familiesin a number of languages.
National charity that runs a number of helplines which can give advice on education, benefits, social care, school exclusions and transition.
Mon – Fri 9am -12pm and 1pm-3pm
A2ndVoice are a social enterprise non profit organisation supporting the needs of autistic people and their families, raising awareness and understanding from different perspectives, outreaching also to the Africa, Caribbean, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities (ACAME) and Dual Heritage Communities in tackling the taboos and myths around Autism.
A project started by Sara Mangera and Nadeem Hussain, who wanted Mosques to do more to welcome and accommodate people with autism and increase awareness, understanding and acceptance within the muslim community.
Include Me TOO (IM2) is a United Kingdom based charity supporting disabled children, young people and their families from diverse range of backgrounds, participation, equality, inclusion, rights and aspirations nationally and internationally.