This outlines the journey that a young person will take. Young people and their families are involved in the transition process as much as possible to ensure that the care being delivered is appropriate for the young person’s individual needs.
Wandsworth Local Offer have created a list of frequently asked questions aimed at young people, with EHCP’s, who have completed their GCSEs.
The Preparing for Adulthood Service is the social work (social care) team which supports young people with disabilities and mental health concerns from 14-25 years old and their parents/carers during the transition period from child to a young adult and includes leaving education, starting a job or work experience, state benefits and finances, moving into new accommodation etc.
This document provides information on transitions across the following services – education, health, social care and transport.
This document clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of all of the agencies involved in the transition as well as identify the actions that must occur at each stage in the transition from moving from children’s to adult services. This document lays out the actions that must be taken by each key organisation at each year from 14 onwards.
Contact have produced a series of articles with information on key topics to think about as your child moves into adulthood.